Original Oil Painting African Lady -2


African Lady 2 Original Oil Painting by Freedom Mandundu
Size = 85 cms   x 64 cms

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Freedom Mandundu

Born In Victoria falls in 1990 and started my art career at school in 2004. Having finished school I took art lessons at a local art  studio from a group of self taught artists in Victoria falls.From there I upgraded myself to a full time fine art painter.

I was never satisfied in wildlife fine art until I devoted myself to working different types of art styles. Apart from wildlife fine art ,I also paint abstracts, semi abstracts consisting of animals, human portraits, city scapes and landscapes. Oils and acrylics are my favourite mediums but sometimesI use pastels on paper, watercolour and pencils. Most of my wildlife and African landscape paintings have been collected by many private buyers in various countries around the world who are in love with my work. My wish is to work with various art galleries from all over the world and to show art lovers how beautiful our African Continent is.
Freedom Mandundu